Thursday, 17 October 2013

“The most pathetic person in the world is someone who has sight, but has no vision.”
Helen Keller

 The first step to fulfilling your reason for existence is realizing that you have been given a vision. Yet how do you receive recognize and activate your vision?
•• Strong’s Concordance defines “vision” as “a sight (mentally), i.e., a dream, revelation, or oracle: — vision”.
• Vision motivates us.
• Vision gives us direction, not aimless effort.
• Vision is something that “matters” to us.
• Without it, we “perish”. We get fatigued in our
walk with God ... demoralized ... living with no
sense of meaningful purpose.
 How do we get a personal vision?
• The WORD of God will light and direct your path.
• PRAYER. God often gives vision in response to it.
• In the MULTITUDE of trustworthy COUNSELORS.

A common reason people aren't specific their visions is that they are trying to do too much. Even though they are constantly constructing something , they are actually building nothing at all because they never complete anything.
Why does this happen because most people make mistake of believing that the main goal in life is to stay busy. Yet this way of thinking is a trap. There are two acronym for busy, the 1st one stands for BEING UNDER SATAN'S YOKE and 2nd one stands for BUILDING UP STRENGTHS IN YOUTH,( so there are two things involved). Busyness does not necessarily equal progress; staying busy does not necessarily mean that you are heading forward a specific destination.
I have learned this very important truth that has set me free from both indecision and in effective busyness:
I WAS NOT BORN TO DO EVERYTHING. Some people never pursue their visions because they have the problem of being able to do many things. A misunderstanding of their gift cause many talented and intelligent people to be ineffective and unsuccessful in life. They have so many gift that they don't know which one to use and they want to develop all of them.
Let me ask you this, have you ever seen anyone who became successful in life by doing everything? Think about people such as marie curie, tiger woods, bill gates and others. Each of this people did one or two things very well, and it became the source of their life and their prosperity. It made room for them in the world.
When a person tries to do everything, he ends up becoming "jack-of-all-trades and master of none" I'm sure you know some multi-gifted people who seem to have the best chances of success but who aren't doing anything with their lives. You have to guard against the temptation to do everything
No matter how many gift you have, don't let them distract you. You must decide to concentrate on one or two gift, and then stir them up. Don't worry about losing the other gifts. Decide which gift you are going to stir up; as you stir that one up, the other gift will follow it. God will not waste what He has given to you. Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe.
You must succeed!

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